C [jscript9.dll+0xace2] JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076

C [jscript9.dll+0xace2] JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076

A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment

Eu desenvolvi uma aplicação que carregava os elementos da tela através de um objeto Browser do SWT. Quando eu atualizei para o Internet Explorer 9, essa aplicação passou a apresentar o seguinte erro no console do Eclipse, e fechando inesperadamente:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x584face2, pid=3228, tid=7196
# JRE version: 7.0_07-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [jscript9.dll+0xace2]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# An error report file with more information is saved as:
# D:\Workspaces\default\velojed\hs_err_pid3228.log
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

Para corrigir esse problema, bastou eu atualizar a versão da biblioteca do SWT.

O arquivo apresentado no erro possui o seguinte conteúdo:

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x584face2, pid=3228, tid=7196
# JRE version: 7.0_07-b11
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.3-b01 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C  [jscript9.dll+0xace2]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
#   http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.

---------------  T H R E A D  ---------------

Current thread (0x008dac00):  JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=7196, stack(0x00870000,0x008c0000)]

siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x00000054

EAX=0x00000001, EBX=0x047ebdb0, ECX=0x00000000, EDX=0x00000001
ESP=0x008be648, EBP=0x008be674, ESI=0x041ee6c4, EDI=0x00000001
EIP=0x584face2, EFLAGS=0x00010246

Top of Stack: (sp=0x008be648)
0x008be648:   455f6cfd 008be6c4 041ee6c4 047ebdb0
0x008be658:   008be68c 00000001 008dac00 008be648
0x008be668:   008be698 5868b73d 00000000 008be6a4
0x008be678:   584fb2ce 041ee6c4 455f6c2d 047ebdb0
0x008be688:   008dad28 008be6c4 566ac42c 008dac00
0x008be698:   008be9a4 586890cc ffffffff 008be6d8
0x008be6a8:   1002b0ef 041ee6c4 008be6c4 047ebdb0
0x008be6b8:   008dac00 339c09b8 339c09b8 a6ef9860 

Instructions: (pc=0x584face2)
0x584facc2:   61 58 de 85 61 58 65 79 61 58 b2 7c 61 58 4a 7f
0x584facd2:   61 58 f3 81 61 58 c7 45 fc 00 00 00 00 8b 4e 14
0x584face2:   8b 41 54 83 c6 fc 56 50 e8 fc 67 ff ff 8b c7 8b
0x584facf2:   4d f4 64 89 0d 00 00 00 00 59 5f 5e 5b 8b e5 5d 

Register to memory mapping:

EAX=0x00000001 is an unknown value
EBX=0x047ebdb0 is an unknown value
ECX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000001 is an unknown value
ESP=0x008be648 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x008dac00
EBP=0x008be674 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x008dac00
ESI=0x041ee6c4 is an unknown value
EDI=0x00000001 is an unknown value

Stack: [0x00870000,0x008c0000],  sp=0x008be648,  free space=313k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C  [jscript9.dll+0xace2]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076
C  [jscript9.dll+0xb2ce]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9662
C  [swt-win32-3550.dll+0x2b0ef]  Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_COM_VtblCall__IILorg_eclipse_swt_internal_ole_win32_GUID_2_3I+0x56
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.VtblCall(IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.IUnknown.QueryInterface(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite.convertToJS(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/eclipse/swt/ole/win32/Variant;+380
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite.Invoke(IIIIIIII)I+291
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite$7.method6([I)I+30
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6([I)I+47
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  [jvm.dll+0x12a39a]
V  [jvm.dll+0x1d962e]
V  [jvm.dll+0x12a41d]
V  [jvm.dll+0xaee94]
V  [jvm.dll+0xb7cf7]
C  [swt-win32-3550.dll+0x145f]  Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_Callback_reset+0x165
C  0x008c02a7
C  [mshtml.dll+0x6c4947]  ConvertAndEscapePostData+0x9943
C  [jscript9.dll+0xcd990]  DllCanUnloadNow+0x6877f
C  [jscript9.dll+0xd6615]  DllCanUnloadNow+0x71404
C  [jscript9.dll+0x52e35]  DllGetClassObject+0x29bd1
C  [jscript9.dll+0x52c50]  DllGetClassObject+0x299ec
C  [jscript9.dll+0x52c24]  DllGetClassObject+0x299c0
C  0x0605b9c2
C  0x0605a13f
C  [jscript9.dll+0x85fe]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x6992
C  [jscript9.dll+0x8523]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x68b7
C  [jscript9.dll+0x845a]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x67ee
C  [jscript9.dll+0x83e6]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x677a
C  [jscript9.dll+0x67665]  DllCanUnloadNow+0x2454
C  [jscript9.dll+0x7fe8]  JsVarToScriptDirect+0x637c
C  [mshtml.dll+0x13153b]  Ordinal103+0x1d1c2
C  [mshtml.dll+0x22b5fd]  RunHTMLApplication+0xd62fe
C  [mshtml.dll+0x2287ab]  RunHTMLApplication+0xd34ac
C  [mshtml.dll+0x303683]  DllGetClassObject+0x89cc5
C  [mshtml.dll+0x303ad3]  DllGetClassObject+0x8a115
C  [mshtml.dll+0x30377a]  DllGetClassObject+0x89dbc
C  [mshtml.dll+0x30376f]  DllGetClassObject+0x89db1
C  [mshtml.dll+0x26fc2c]  CTravelLog_CreateInstance+0x2c497
C  [mshtml.dll+0x3e9d59]  DllGetClassObject+0x17039b
C  [mshtml.dll+0x409648]  DllGetClassObject+0x18fc8a
C  [USER32.dll+0x1c4e7]  gapfnScSendMessage+0x1cf
C  [USER32.dll+0x1c5e7]  gapfnScSendMessage+0x2cf
C  [USER32.dll+0x1cc19]  gapfnScSendMessage+0x901
C  [USER32.dll+0x1cc70]  DispatchMessageW+0xf
C  [swt-win32-3550.dll+0x3790]  Java_org_eclipse_swt_internal_win32_OS_DispatchMessageW+0x31
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch()Z+54
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.tela.TelaPrincipal.abrir(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell;)V+261
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.Principal.(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell;[Ljava/lang/String;)V+252
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.Principal.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+26
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V  [jvm.dll+0x12a39a]
V  [jvm.dll+0x1d962e]
V  [jvm.dll+0x12a41d]
V  [jvm.dll+0xaee94]
V  [jvm.dll+0xb9217]
C  [javaw.exe+0x1fea]
C  [javaw.exe+0xa0eb]
C  [javaw.exe+0xa175]
C  [KERNEL32.dll+0x4ed6c]  BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
C  [ntdll.dll+0x6377b]  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xef
C  [ntdll.dll+0x6374e]  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xc2

Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.VtblCall(IILorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.IUnknown.QueryInterface(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/ole/win32/GUID;[I)I+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite.convertToJS(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/eclipse/swt/ole/win32/Variant;+380
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite.Invoke(IIIIIIII)I+291
j  org.eclipse.swt.browser.WebSite$7.method6([I)I+30
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6([I)I+47
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I+0
j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(Lorg/eclipse/swt/internal/win32/MSG;)I+7
j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch()Z+54
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.tela.TelaPrincipal.abrir(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell;)V+261
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.Principal.(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Shell;[Ljava/lang/String;)V+252
j  br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.Principal.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+26
v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

---------------  P R O C E S S  ---------------

Java Threads: ( => current thread )
  0x01609000 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=376, stack(0x03c90000,0x03ce0000)]
  0x015fec00 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6648, stack(0x03c40000,0x03c90000)]
  0x015fd800 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6200, stack(0x03a60000,0x03ab0000)]
  0x015fa400 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4728, stack(0x03bd0000,0x03c20000)]
  0x015e9c00 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5204, stack(0x03ac0000,0x03b10000)]
  0x015e5000 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4860, stack(0x038b0000,0x03900000)]
=>0x008dac00 JavaThread "main" [_thread_in_native, id=7196, stack(0x00870000,0x008c0000)]

Other Threads:
  0x015e3000 VMThread [stack: 0x039c0000,0x03a10000] [id=712]
  0x0162f400 WatcherThread [stack: 0x03d90000,0x03de0000] [id=6844]

VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)

VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4591K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,  92% used [0x234e0000, 0x238dbd38, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K, 100% used [0x23930000, 0x239b0000, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 6927K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  63% used [0x28a30000, 0x290f3ea8, 0x290f4000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 5764K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  46% used [0x334e0000, 0x33a81058, 0x33a81200, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)

Card table byte_map: [0x03740000,0x037f0000] byte_map_base: 0x03625900

Polling page: 0x00190000

Code Cache  [0x016c0000, 0x018d8000, 0x036c0000)
 total_blobs=985 nmethods=809 adapters=110 free_code_cache=30624Kb largest_free_block=31359744

Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 8.757 Thread 0x015fec00  803             org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable::hook (141 bytes)
Event: 8.757 Thread 0x015fec00 nmethod 803 0x018d6888 code [0x018d69c0, 0x018d6ea8]
Event: 8.884 Thread 0x015fec00  805             java.lang.Math::max (11 bytes)
Event: 8.885 Thread 0x015fec00 nmethod 805 0x018d7508 code [0x018d7600, 0x018d7670]
Event: 8.991 Thread 0x015fec00  806             org.eclipse.swt.internal.LONG::hashCode (5 bytes)
Event: 8.991 Thread 0x015fec00 nmethod 806 0x018d76c8 code [0x018d77c0, 0x018d7840]
Event: 8.992 Thread 0x015fec00  807             org.eclipse.swt.internal.LONG:: (10 bytes)
Event: 8.992 Thread 0x015fec00 nmethod 807 0x018d7888 code [0x018d7980, 0x018d7a00]
Event: 8.995 Thread 0x015fec00  808             org.eclipse.swt.internal.LONG::equals (36 bytes)
Event: 8.995 Thread 0x015fec00 nmethod 808 0x018d7a48 code [0x018d7b50, 0x018d7c70]

GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 3.035 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=97 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4468K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,  99% used [0x234e0000, 0x2392bd20, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,  13% used [0x239b0000, 0x239c1348, 0x23a30000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930000, 0x239b0000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.036 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=98 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 20K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,   0% used [0x234e0000, 0x234e0000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   4% used [0x23930000, 0x239353c0, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.052 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=98 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4436K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x234e0000, 0x23930000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   4% used [0x23930000, 0x239353c0, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.053 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=99 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 5K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,   0% used [0x234e0000, 0x234e0000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b1408, 0x23a30000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930000, 0x239b0000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.070 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=99 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4421K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x234e0000, 0x23930000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b1408, 0x23a30000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930000, 0x239b0000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.071 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=100 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 1K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,   0% used [0x234e0000, 0x234e0000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930778, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4170K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  33% used [0x334e0000, 0x338f2b48, 0x338f2c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.208 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=100 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4417K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x234e0000, 0x23930000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930778, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4847K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28eebf90, 0x28eec000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4621K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  37% used [0x334e0000, 0x339635d8, 0x33963600, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 3.210 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=101 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 506K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,   0% used [0x234e0000, 0x234e0000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,  98% used [0x239b0000, 0x23a2e970, 0x23a30000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930000, 0x239b0000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4887K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28ef5f50, 0x28ef6000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 4621K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  37% used [0x334e0000, 0x339635d8, 0x33963600, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 8.117 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=101 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 4922K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x234e0000, 0x23930000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K,  98% used [0x239b0000, 0x23a2e970, 0x23a30000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x23930000, 0x23930000, 0x239b0000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 4887K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  44% used [0x28a30000, 0x28ef5f50, 0x28ef6000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 5086K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  41% used [0x334e0000, 0x339d7aa8, 0x339d7c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)
Event: 8.125 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=102 (full 0):
 def new generation   total 4928K, used 512K [0x234e0000, 0x23a30000, 0x28a30000)
  eden space 4416K,   0% used [0x234e0000, 0x234e0000, 0x23930000)
  from space 512K, 100% used [0x23930000, 0x239b0000, 0x239b0000)
  to   space 512K,   0% used [0x239b0000, 0x239b0000, 0x23a30000)
 tenured generation   total 10944K, used 6927K [0x28a30000, 0x294e0000, 0x334e0000)
   the space 10944K,  63% used [0x28a30000, 0x290f3ea8, 0x290f4000, 0x294e0000)
 compacting perm gen  total 12288K, used 5086K [0x334e0000, 0x340e0000, 0x374e0000)
   the space 12288K,  41% used [0x334e0000, 0x339d7aa8, 0x339d7c00, 0x340e0000)
    ro space 10240K,  45% used [0x374e0000, 0x37964650, 0x37964800, 0x37ee0000)
    rw space 12288K,  54% used [0x37ee0000, 0x38567e58, 0x38568000, 0x38ae0000)

Deoptimization events (0 events):
No events

Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 8.730 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x2386c528 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.731 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x23871198 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.734 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x23874500 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.734 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x23876760 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.736 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x23878bb0 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.741 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x2387cd90 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.742 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x2387f750 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.876 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x2389fe68 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.904 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x238b2340 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166
Event: 8.996 Thread 0x008dac00 Threw 0x238d0d40 at C:\jdk7u1_32P\jdk7u7\hotspot\src\share\vm\prims\jvm.cpp:1166

Events (10 events):
Event: 8.741 loading class 0x0482fb20
Event: 8.741 loading class 0x0482fb20 done
Event: 8.742 loading class 0x03e04528
Event: 8.742 loading class 0x03e04528 done
Event: 8.876 loading class 0x03fdef00
Event: 8.876 loading class 0x03fdef00 done
Event: 8.904 loading class 0x04829888
Event: 8.904 loading class 0x04829888 done
Event: 8.996 loading class 0x0482e860
Event: 8.996 loading class 0x0482e860 done

Dynamic libraries:
0x00910000 - 0x0093f000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\javaw.exe
0x772b0000 - 0x773ec000 	C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
0x6fb40000 - 0x6fb7f000 	C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\snxhk.dll
0x75cc0000 - 0x75d94000 	C:\Windows\system32\KERNEL32.dll
0x754c0000 - 0x7550b000 	C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll
0x75a00000 - 0x75aa0000 	C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
0x761b0000 - 0x7625c000 	C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
0x75bf0000 - 0x75c09000 	C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll
0x75fe0000 - 0x76081000 	C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll
0x76260000 - 0x76329000 	C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll
0x75f90000 - 0x75fde000 	C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll
0x76330000 - 0x7633a000 	C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll
0x76400000 - 0x7649d000 	C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll
0x74830000 - 0x749ce000 	C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2\COMCTL32.dll
0x75b00000 - 0x75b57000 	C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
0x76350000 - 0x7636f000 	C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL
0x77410000 - 0x774dc000 	C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll
0x67530000 - 0x675ee000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\bin\msvcr100.dll
0x56600000 - 0x5694c000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
0x72940000 - 0x72947000 	C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll
0x759c0000 - 0x759f5000 	C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
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0x738a0000 - 0x738d2000 	C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll
0x77400000 - 0x77405000 	C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL
0x72fb0000 - 0x72fbc000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\bin\verify.dll
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0x10000000 - 0x10059000 	C:\Users\David\AppData\Local\Temp\swtlib-32\swt-win32-3550.dll
0x75740000 - 0x7589c000 	C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll
0x75b60000 - 0x75bef000 	C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll
0x75c40000 - 0x75cbb000 	C:\Windows\system32\comdlg32.dll
0x76660000 - 0x772aa000 	C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll
0x76090000 - 0x761ab000 	C:\Windows\system32\WININET.dll
0x773f0000 - 0x773f3000 	C:\Windows\system32\Normaliz.dll
0x764a0000 - 0x76659000 	C:\Windows\system32\iertutil.dll
0x758a0000 - 0x759b1000 	C:\Windows\system32\urlmon.dll
0x741d0000 - 0x74210000 	C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll
0x73e30000 - 0x73e43000 	C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll
0x753c0000 - 0x753cc000 	C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTBASE.dll
0x76370000 - 0x763f3000 	C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL
0x70430000 - 0x70444000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\bin\net.dll
0x74e80000 - 0x74ebc000 	C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll
0x74e70000 - 0x74e76000 	C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll
0x72fc0000 - 0x72fcf000 	C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\jre\bin\nio.dll
0x73980000 - 0x739bc000 	C:\Windows\system32\oleacc.dll
0x68e10000 - 0x6975d000 	C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll
0x74ec0000 - 0x74ed6000 	C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll
0x74c60000 - 0x74c9b000 	C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll
0x753d0000 - 0x7542f000 	C:\Windows\system32\SXS.DLL
0x75430000 - 0x7543e000 	C:\Windows\system32\RpcRtRemote.dll
0x75da0000 - 0x75f3d000 	C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll
0x755a0000 - 0x755c7000 	C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll
0x756f0000 - 0x75702000 	C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll
0x75060000 - 0x75068000 	C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll
0x75320000 - 0x7533b000 	C:\Windows\system32\SSPICLI.DLL
0x75440000 - 0x7544b000 	C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll
0x74d40000 - 0x74d84000 	C:\Windows\system32\dnsapi.DLL
0x73250000 - 0x7326c000 	C:\Windows\system32\iphlpapi.DLL
0x73240000 - 0x73247000 	C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL
0x75370000 - 0x753bc000 	C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll
0x62a00000 - 0x635c5000 	C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll
0x74a00000 - 0x74a09000 	C:\Windows\System32\VERSION.dll
0x74800000 - 0x74821000 	C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll
0x75f40000 - 0x75f85000 	C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll
0x584f0000 - 0x586ab000 	C:\Windows\System32\jscript9.dll
0x732e0000 - 0x73306000 	C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\aswJsFlt.dll
0x70bd0000 - 0x70bdb000 	C:\Windows\system32\msimtf.dll
0x65520000 - 0x655da000 	C:\Windows\system32\d2d1.dll
0x5f640000 - 0x5f74b000 	C:\Windows\system32\DWrite.dll
0x6de70000 - 0x6def3000 	C:\Windows\system32\dxgi.dll
0x75710000 - 0x7573d000 	C:\Windows\system32\WINTRUST.dll
0x755d0000 - 0x756ee000 	C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll
0x754b0000 - 0x754bc000 	C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll
0x6df40000 - 0x6df6c000 	C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1.dll
0x6df00000 - 0x6df3a000 	C:\Windows\system32\d3d10_1core.dll
0x583c0000 - 0x584ec000 	C:\Windows\system32\D3D10Warp.dll
0x6c730000 - 0x6c75b000 	C:\Windows\system32\msls31.dll
0x74210000 - 0x74305000 	C:\Windows\system32\PROPSYS.dll
0x72400000 - 0x7242e000 	C:\Windows\system32\MLANG.dll
0x72840000 - 0x7292b000 	C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll

VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 
java_command: br.com.engenhariadigital.velojed.gerador.gui.Principal
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD

Environment Variables:
PATH=C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/client;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/lib/i386;D:\Desenvolvimento\servers\php5.3.23\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Shared;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin;D:\Desenvolvimento\servers\mysql5.5.30\bin;C:\Program Files\CVSNT\;D:\Desenvolvimento\applications\eclipse-juno;
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel

---------------  S Y S T E M  ---------------

OS: Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1

CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 10, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, tsc

Memory: 4k page, physical 3105140k(1020428k free), swap 6208528k(3027624k free)

vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.3-b01) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_07-b11), built on Sep  7 2012 01:40:56 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1600

time: Wed Apr 24 21:43:55 2013
elapsed time: 9 seconds

Boa sorte.

1.031 Replies to “C [jscript9.dll+0xace2] JsVarToScriptDirect+0x9076”

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    Some employers want to get the basics out of the way quickly. You might also want to consult your physician before undergoing reflexology. They don’t want to waste anyone’s time. People will tell you that you are wasting your time. The job interview is your time to shine. Try to use appropriate terminology in the interview. Although coconut oil is recommended by some people for ringworm, the treatment you use will depend on its location on your body and how serious it is, per the CDC. Reducing muscle tension will result to both physical and mental relaxation because it reduces the negative health effects of chronic stress, enabling the body to heal and relax. This treatment improves posture, relaxation, and releases muscle tension and stress. This gives you a variety of treatment options at the touch of a button. Asking about perks in the wrong way could prove disastrous. Don’t clam up. Everyone has varying degrees of shyness, but you need to talk about your employment experiences concisely and in an interesting way. The key is to learn from both experiences.
    We adamantly refused the idea at first but Jonas was the one that convinced us it was right. Add eliminated foods back into your diet, one at a time, every four days. Others believe that foods from the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, aggravate their condition, although others don’t notice any connection. If you think certain foods play a role in your arthritis symptoms, it is important to put them to the test. Ample amounts of tissue-building minerals in your daily diet will keep bones healthy and may help prevent bone spurs, a common complication of arthritis. This painful and debilitating joint disease is usually either classified as osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Horsetail’s cornucopia of minerals, including silicon, may nourish joint cartilage. For a more contemporary twist on Halloween, give a nod to NASCAR and continue to the next page to outfit your little Dale or Danica in full racing style — including a customized car to trick-or-treat in! Daily Mail. “How a little too much cleavage can cost you a job interview.” Sept. It took 5 months to build at a cost of $1 million and is equipped with waterfalls, fountains and a 15-foot (4.5-meter) waterslide.
    Nightshades for several months. As a result, the interviewee starts talking because they figure there’s something wrong with the answer they have just given. Some interviews have been painful and disastrous. These can help him or her determine if you have a kidney problem. It can also help you in court should that situation arise. Women who wear tight tops that accentuate their cleavage to a job interview can kiss the job goodbye, according to a survey. A job interview is not a casual conversation between friends in bar. Conversely, don’t ramble, even when there’s a pause in the conversation. Even if your interviewer swears, don’t get comfortable and swear, too. Rubbing your nose, even if it itches, could mean you’re dishonest. If the interviewer gives you the silent treatment after you answered a question, shut your pie hole and show confidence in your previous answer. Just give enough detail to answer the question.
    Dandruff while bringing out the natural oils in the dog’s fur. Move out of his space. It is important to get the maximum out of each massage session that you get. The CBD used in our massage is sourced from Colorado, Organic and THC free. Undercover officers offered masseuses money in exchange for sexual acts at a West 103rd Street massage parlor. Instead, it is a highly formal exchange where profanity is verboten. U.S. News. World Report. S. News. World Report. To borrow from John Lennon, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, and I write for the dreamers of the world. In some instances, however, heat may aggravate a joint that’s already “hot” from inflammation, as is sometimes the case with rheumatoid arthritis. What most people don’t realize, however, is that there are natural herbal remedies that help relieve the pain of arthritis associated with getting older. A deficiency of essential mineralsmay be one of the causes of arthritis. What was one drop rule?

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    We adamantly refused the idea at first but Jonas was the one that convinced us it was right. Add eliminated foods back into your diet, one at a time, every four days. Others believe that foods from the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, aggravate their condition, although others don’t notice any connection. If you think certain foods play a role in your arthritis symptoms, it is important to put them to the test. Ample amounts of tissue-building minerals in your daily diet will keep bones healthy and may help prevent bone spurs, a common complication of arthritis. This painful and debilitating joint disease is usually either classified as osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Horsetail’s cornucopia of minerals, including silicon, may nourish joint cartilage. For a more contemporary twist on Halloween, give a nod to NASCAR and continue to the next page to outfit your little Dale or Danica in full racing style — including a customized car to trick-or-treat in! Daily Mail. “How a little too much cleavage can cost you a job interview.” Sept. It took 5 months to build at a cost of $1 million and is equipped with waterfalls, fountains and a 15-foot (4.5-meter) waterslide.
    Dandruff while bringing out the natural oils in the dog’s fur. Move out of his space. It is important to get the maximum out of each massage session that you get. The CBD used in our massage is sourced from Colorado, Organic and THC free. Undercover officers offered masseuses money in exchange for sexual acts at a West 103rd Street massage parlor. Instead, it is a highly formal exchange where profanity is verboten. U.S. News. World Report. S. News. World Report. To borrow from John Lennon, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, and I write for the dreamers of the world. In some instances, however, heat may aggravate a joint that’s already “hot” from inflammation, as is sometimes the case with rheumatoid arthritis. What most people don’t realize, however, is that there are natural herbal remedies that help relieve the pain of arthritis associated with getting older. A deficiency of essential mineralsmay be one of the causes of arthritis. What was one drop rule?
    Some employers want to get the basics out of the way quickly. You might also want to consult your physician before undergoing reflexology. They don’t want to waste anyone’s time. People will tell you that you are wasting your time. The job interview is your time to shine. Try to use appropriate terminology in the interview. Although coconut oil is recommended by some people for ringworm, the treatment you use will depend on its location on your body and how serious it is, per the CDC. Reducing muscle tension will result to both physical and mental relaxation because it reduces the negative health effects of chronic stress, enabling the body to heal and relax. This treatment improves posture, relaxation, and releases muscle tension and stress. This gives you a variety of treatment options at the touch of a button. Asking about perks in the wrong way could prove disastrous. Don’t clam up. Everyone has varying degrees of shyness, but you need to talk about your employment experiences concisely and in an interesting way. The key is to learn from both experiences.
    Nightshades for several months. As a result, the interviewee starts talking because they figure there’s something wrong with the answer they have just given. Some interviews have been painful and disastrous. These can help him or her determine if you have a kidney problem. It can also help you in court should that situation arise. Women who wear tight tops that accentuate their cleavage to a job interview can kiss the job goodbye, according to a survey. A job interview is not a casual conversation between friends in bar. Conversely, don’t ramble, even when there’s a pause in the conversation. Even if your interviewer swears, don’t get comfortable and swear, too. Rubbing your nose, even if it itches, could mean you’re dishonest. If the interviewer gives you the silent treatment after you answered a question, shut your pie hole and show confidence in your previous answer. Just give enough detail to answer the question.

  6. С чего начать блог инструкция от А до Я by В школе Medium

    Some employers want to get the basics out of the way quickly. You might also want to consult your physician before undergoing reflexology. They don’t want to waste anyone’s time. People will tell you that you are wasting your time. The job interview is your time to shine. Try to use appropriate terminology in the interview. Although coconut oil is recommended by some people for ringworm, the treatment you use will depend on its location on your body and how serious it is, per the CDC. Reducing muscle tension will result to both physical and mental relaxation because it reduces the negative health effects of chronic stress, enabling the body to heal and relax. This treatment improves posture, relaxation, and releases muscle tension and stress. This gives you a variety of treatment options at the touch of a button. Asking about perks in the wrong way could prove disastrous. Don’t clam up. Everyone has varying degrees of shyness, but you need to talk about your employment experiences concisely and in an interesting way. The key is to learn from both experiences.
    We adamantly refused the idea at first but Jonas was the one that convinced us it was right. Add eliminated foods back into your diet, one at a time, every four days. Others believe that foods from the nightshade family, such as tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers, aggravate their condition, although others don’t notice any connection. If you think certain foods play a role in your arthritis symptoms, it is important to put them to the test. Ample amounts of tissue-building minerals in your daily diet will keep bones healthy and may help prevent bone spurs, a common complication of arthritis. This painful and debilitating joint disease is usually either classified as osteoarthritis (OA) or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Horsetail’s cornucopia of minerals, including silicon, may nourish joint cartilage. For a more contemporary twist on Halloween, give a nod to NASCAR and continue to the next page to outfit your little Dale or Danica in full racing style — including a customized car to trick-or-treat in! Daily Mail. “How a little too much cleavage can cost you a job interview.” Sept. It took 5 months to build at a cost of $1 million and is equipped with waterfalls, fountains and a 15-foot (4.5-meter) waterslide.
    Dandruff while bringing out the natural oils in the dog’s fur. Move out of his space. It is important to get the maximum out of each massage session that you get. The CBD used in our massage is sourced from Colorado, Organic and THC free. Undercover officers offered masseuses money in exchange for sexual acts at a West 103rd Street massage parlor. Instead, it is a highly formal exchange where profanity is verboten. U.S. News. World Report. S. News. World Report. To borrow from John Lennon, you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one, and I write for the dreamers of the world. In some instances, however, heat may aggravate a joint that’s already “hot” from inflammation, as is sometimes the case with rheumatoid arthritis. What most people don’t realize, however, is that there are natural herbal remedies that help relieve the pain of arthritis associated with getting older. A deficiency of essential mineralsmay be one of the causes of arthritis. What was one drop rule?
    Nightshades for several months. As a result, the interviewee starts talking because they figure there’s something wrong with the answer they have just given. Some interviews have been painful and disastrous. These can help him or her determine if you have a kidney problem. It can also help you in court should that situation arise. Women who wear tight tops that accentuate their cleavage to a job interview can kiss the job goodbye, according to a survey. A job interview is not a casual conversation between friends in bar. Conversely, don’t ramble, even when there’s a pause in the conversation. Even if your interviewer swears, don’t get comfortable and swear, too. Rubbing your nose, even if it itches, could mean you’re dishonest. If the interviewer gives you the silent treatment after you answered a question, shut your pie hole and show confidence in your previous answer. Just give enough detail to answer the question.

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